Tuere Burns
MEdL; Executive & Creative Strategist

Tuere Burns embodies the vibrant spirit and resilience of her hometown, New Orleans, as a Mama, servant leader, Freedom Fighter, educator, writer, author, and artist. Internationally recognized for her unwavering advocacy for justice, equity, and equality for people of Afrikan descent, Tuere's influence extends far beyond geographical boundaries. Infusing activism, education, and art, she has lent her powerful voice, knowledge, and passion to numerous impactful initiatives, including the NAACP’s Annual Conference, Malcolm X Day celebrations in Houston, Chicago, and Atlanta, and Marcus Garvey Day events in New Orleans & Detroit.

As a tireless advocate for change, Tuere has played pivotal roles in various movements and campaigns, from the Hands Off Assata! Campaign to the closure of the Tallulah Juvenile Facility. She has served as chair for Black August International South, an original member of the Angola 3 Coalition, and has been actively involved with organizations such as the Blackout Arts Collective and Critical Resistance. Tuere's dedication to addressing injustices that affect Black youth, leaders, and communities is unwavering, as evidenced by her involvement in initiatives related to the prison industrial complex and political prisoners.

In her capacity as Creative Programs Director for Ashe’ Cultural Arts Center and Coordinator with the Louisiana Chapter of the Original Black Panther Party, Tuere continues to be a driving force for positive change. Committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders, she serves as a co-parent to her two brilliant, artistic teens, Aisha and Zion, while pursuing her own academic endeavors. Tuere holds Masters degrees in Educational Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Ethics, Equity, and Justice, further exemplifying her dedication to help communities through education and activism.

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