August “Gerttown” Williams

Arrested at the tender age of 15 and sentenced to death just a year later in the racially charged atmosphere of 1968 Jim Crow South, August Williams, affectionately known as Gerttown, endured unimaginable hardships within the walls of Louisiana State Penitentiary, famously known as Angola State Prison. Born and raised in the New Orleans community of Gerttown, his innocence shattered, Gerttown faced the brutal realities of life on death row, fighting tirelessly to retain his dignity, sanity, and sense of self.

In 1973, a glimmer of hope emerged when the United States Supreme Court's landmark decision in Furman v. Georgia led to Gerttown's resentencing to life without parole. Determined to reclaim his life and dignity, Gerttown embarked on a journey of self-rehabilitation, seizing every opportunity to educate himself and enhance his skills. From obtaining faith-based certifications and earning an Associate's Degree to undergoing training in suicide prevention and physical fitness mentoring, Gerttown's resilience and determination shone through, earning him respect and accolades within Angola's walls.

Despite repeated attempts to prove his innocence through evidence and expert testimony, Gerttown faced continued resistance from state authorities. However, in 2017, after nearly 50 years behind bars, justice finally prevailed as Gerttown was granted parole, marking the end of an era of unjust incarceration. Since his release, Gerttown has dedicated himself to advocacy and storytelling, serving as an Artist in Residence at BAR NONE by DeSign, a grassroots organization committed to help individuals of Afrikan descent affected by incarceration.

Gerttown's journey serves as a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and determination in the face of adversity. His ongoing fight for exoneration and his unwavering commitment to advocating for justice inspire hope and solidarity within communities nationwide. 

Join us in amplifying Gerttown's voice and advocating for a more just and equitable society for all.

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