Political Education

Political Education

Mama Ruby Sales said, "Its a danger when you allow people to rewrite your movement story and to tell you what you are struggling for." 

Political education allows us to deeply, critically, and objectively understand how and why we show up in grassroots movement liberation. From OURstories (Sankofa) to the Present and preparing for a Future where generations of Black people of Afrikan descent finally know what it is to be FREE of racism and oppression.  

BAR NONE by DeSign host political education classes twice a month (accept during Black August International South) that delve into the roots of political oppression, the strategies and tactics of past movements, and the role of activism speaking POWER to the Truth and Revolutionary action to dismantle systems of systemic and structural racism design by individuals. Through engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and experiential learning activities, participants gain a deeper understanding of systems and dynamics, helping them to become liberators for justice for all humans.

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