We Who Believe Have Freedom...

We Who Believe Have Freedom...

We believe in the transformative, holistic education, entrepreneurship, and community-driven justice to address systemic oppression and foster a more equitable society for all. Our comprehensive range of services reflects this commitment, offering individuals the resources and support necessary to enact positive change in their lives and communities.

One cornerstone of our work is our education programs, crafted to combat juvenile injustice and disrupt the cycle of incarceration. Through workshops, mentorship programs, and advocacy efforts, we equip young people with the tools to navigate challenges and forge brighter futures. Additionally, our entrepreneurship initiatives prioritize building generational wealth and fostering economic advancement within marginalized communities. By providing resources, training, and mentorship, we help aspiring entrepreneurs to manifest their aspirations.

At the core of our mission lies our community-driven justice endeavors, exemplified by the Free All Political Prisoners Initiative. We staunchly advocate for individuals unjustly incarcerated due to their political beliefs and actions.

Through legal advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and grassroots organizing, we strive to secure the release of political prisoners and spotlight the injustices they endure. By standing in solidarity with these individuals, we challenge oppressive systems that stifle voices and strip away freedoms.

Whether you seek to educate yourself on social justice issues, launch your own enterprise, or engage in community mobilization, BAR NONE by DeSign stands ready to accompany you every step of the way. Reach out today to discover how our services can embolden you to effect change in your community and beyond. Together, we can forge a more just and equitable world for generations to come.